Title: From a Family Feud to a Family Reunion
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 25 June 2023
Verse: Genesis 45:1-15
I. The Fear Factor (When You Find Yourself Speechless)
II. The Forgiveness Factor (When You Find Yourself Spiteful)
A.     Unforgiveness will keep you in the Past
B.     Unforgiveness will result in Bitterness
C.     Forgiveness is the most God-like act a person can do
D.     Forgiveness is not Contingent on the Attitude of the Offending Party
E.    Whoever has Offended you has Offended God in a Greater Way
F.     Forgiveness does not mean Subjecting Ourselves to the same Hurt Continuously
G.     Forgetting has more to do with Relationship than with memory
III. The Fellowship Factor (When You Find Yourself Supernatural)