God Is Love

God Is Love

H, I tried to explain to you today that God is love.

It all started because it was cold and there were some frozen crystals on the windshield of the car.

Somehow that lead to a discussion about the movie Frozen.

You said something about how “Love can heal a frozen heart.”

So I thought this would be a great teachable moment…

As we got into the car and pulled out of the driveway, I told you:

You know what is really cool? The Bible talks a lot about love too. It says that God is love. That one of the best ways to describe God is by talking about love.

Before I could say much else, you told me that you already knew that. And you did it with the tone of a teenager…

I asked you what you were talking about and you said:

I already know that God is love. It’s first 1 John 4:8. God is love.

“Oh my goodness, that sounds right,” I thought to myself shaking my head.

I looked up the verse after I dropped you and K off at school.

Of course, you were right!

You make me proud everyday.

I love you.
