Going To Sleep

I’m sorry if I was ever the worst version of myself around y’all after not going to sleep the night before.

I mean, what a silly reason for feeling bad and being awful, “Dad’s just tired. Leave him alone.”

This is especially true because I do it to myself, right?

I’m not staying up all hours of the night because of some emergency…

I’m staying up for “downtime.”

So that I can have time “alone” in a silent house after everyone else is asleep.

I think I am learning that this is a mistake.

When you are burnt out, it’s not free time that is needed, it’s rest.

Specifically, sleep.

So I will try 8 hours tonight, 10 PM – 6 AM.

Maybe I’ll keep you posted.

Read: Here’s Your Secret To Success: Go The F*ck To Sleep

The passage that jumped out to me:

It almost doesn’t matter what the problem is, the solution is often a consistent routine. Tell a sleep expert you’re not sleeping well, that’s what they’ll suggest. Tell a psychiatrist you’ve been feeling anxious, that’s what their first question will be. Tell a productivity guru your work output isn’t where you want it, that’s where they’ll start. Tell a dog trainer your dog is acting up, that’s where they’ll start. Tell a strength trainer you want to get stronger, tell an author you want to get better at writing, tell the Stoics you want to round out the day in a calmer, more tranquil state—a consistent routine will be the answer.

I love you.
