Golfball Hail

We had golfball sized hail this evening after dinner.

I got to work about 8:30 and worked till 11.

I am trying to take advantage of the coming and going since this is the last week I don’t officially have to be back in the office eight hours a day, post corona.

Mom and I ate lunch while you girls played a little bit.

But after that, H, you called Ms. Long for your final “sight-word assessment.” You finished three entire lists in one call and officially mastered all 11 kindergarten word lists!

Mom and I are so proud of how hard you worked!!!

We ran a few errands after that and mom was able to make a few needed work calls from the car.

We got Bahama Bucks and ate it on the back porch when we got home.

Later, H and K, I took you both on a late afternoon drive around town (just for something to do).

Y’all were so loud playing sweetly (and fighting angrily), I felt more frazzled when I got home than when I left.

We ate dinner, and then the golfball hail started.

It lasted for about 5 minutes.

By the time it stopped, I knew it was time for the house to get ready for bed.

I have been grumpy and short-tempered the last few days and I apologize for that.

My best guess is that it’s a combination of lack of sleep and lack of margin.

But that’s no excuse.

I love you.
