We Got The Rona

Ok, there is no way to sugarcoat this, we all got the rona.

The last two weeks have been tough.

I’m not pointing fingers or anything, but H, you caught it from a classmate at a birthday party and brought it home!

Thankfully you only had fever and a headache for a day.

Next I got it.

Mine was hard, but mostly because I was filling in for someone on vacation and couldn’t call in sick to work…

I had fever and body ache for two days and then was just really tired for about a week.

K got it next and only had the fever and headache for 24 hours.

Finally, mom got it. But she never had a fever somehow. She just did not feel right but felt like she was getting a cold or something.

Having to do quarantine part 2 was the hardest part.

Not being able to see other people and barely leaving the house is close to torture…

It sounds like a vacation – but with mom and I both working from home, trying to keep up with all the classwork and homework of a second-grader, and entertain a five-year-old and almost two-year-old – it was difficult.

We all start getting on each others nerves, nobody could find space to be alone in, and nobody different was ever there to talk to.

Mom and I had to keep reminding ourselves to give y’all grace.

We forget how many social interactions you have on a daily basis.

My favorite part was the long walks we took together everyday.

A few days ago a woman stopped beside us after pulling out of the alley.

She said:

I just love seeing ya’ll out on your walks everyday, y’all are such a cute family!

Anyway, we all survived.

In fact, today was your first day back at school. I went to work too.

And mom worked from home one last day.

I love you.
