Great Christmas Eve

Great Christmas Eve

It was a great Christmas Eve today.

We got donuts for breakfast and all sang Christmas songs around the table while we drank our coffee and milk.

Then we mostly played all morning, and ate at Rosas’s for lunch.

After lunch we even made it in time for a carriage ride at 1:00 when they opened.

Mom and I watched movies while you girls napped.

And then we just made it in time for the 4:30 Christmas Eve service.

For dinner, mom made us waffles – and I even made us bacon to go with it.

We watched Charlie Brown Christmas and then all started getting ready for bed.

Mom and I had intentions of staying up late and watching movies but we didn’t make it long we were so tired.

Mom went to sleep and I showered and read for a little bit before doing the same.

Happy Christmas Eve.

I love you.
