Green Beans

Well, you know it’s bad when my first post of the week is on a Thursday…

Honestly, I think I have a little bit of the vacation blues.

That and work has been stressful. In short, they are in the process of reorganizing our entire department.

Suffice it to say that I am no longer work on the thing I have been doing for the last seven years.

In the midst of this our IT director has changed, we are rewriting our entire system, and all of our processes are different.

Blah. Enough about boring work.

T, you tried your first solid food at dinner yesterday.

It was green beans.

Not baby-food green beans.

I mean, legit from the dinner table green beans.

You tried and spit out the three or four bites that mom gave you.

And you did not like them at all.

I love you.
