Grocery Store Runs

H, we have only done it two or three times together, but we are, I think fostering a new tradition.

See, you have taken to going on late night grocery store runs with me.

It’s usually one of those one-off situations where it’s late on a Thursday night – like tonight – and we realize we are out of a few essentials.

We need milk, water, paper towels, laundry detergent, and bread, for instance.

It’s between 7:00 and 8:00, and as soon as you see me gathering my things, you ask to come too.

Tonight we ran laughing across the parking lot, briefly examined the nesting birds squawking in front of the store, wished we had brought our coats, meandered in front of the yogurt isle too long, and we talked about the definition of investments on the way home.

I love you tagging along.

But no pressure though, it’s ok if this only lasts for a short time too.

I just adore the time with you.

I love you.
