Grow and Learn

Today was the last day of summer.

Sad but true.

I had to work.

But mom took the day off and took you girls to Chick-fil-a, a back to school pool party, and out for snow-cones.

H, you will have Mrs. Davis for second grade.

K, you will have Mrs. Hathaway for Pre-K.

T, you are still in daycare at Learning Tree and – honest to goodness – I unfortunately don’t even know your teacher’s name.

Sorry! (There’s a rotation in there.)


I can’t wait to see what you do this year with your lives.

I hope you grow and learn and live.

I hope I get to go to every single Wednesday chapel and we take 99 vacations.

You are too young for this, but if you weren’t, I would tell you to stop and take a few moments this year – and enjoy being a kid!

I love you.
