

You might be the cutest thing to ever exist.

But don’t let it go to your head.

You have gotten to the point that you can repeat anything we say.

We go:

“Can you say, Doosie?”

And you say:


“Can you say, Coach Purse?”

And you say:

“Coach Purse!”

Well, yesterday we were on a roll, and we got you to say Guacamole.

Oh my gosh.

So adorable.

You also say that all the time now too:

“Oh my gosh.”

Because apparently, I say it all the time.

We are trying to get you to stop saying it.

But it’s going about the way it would telling your kids not to smoke, with a cigarette in your hand.


Cutest version of Guacamole I have ever heard.

You even said: “Jessica” for the first time!

It was cute.

I thought mom was going to cry.

You are perfect.

I love you.
