H Jesus

H, the most important thing of your life happened last night!

We tucked all you kids in bed and as we were saying goodnight for the last time, you asked to talk to mom and I in the other room.

You warned us by saying that it was “kind of a big deal.”

And when you started talking I had a hunch what it was. 😉

You said you wanted to accept Jesus into your heart!

So we took you into our room and talked about it for 15 minutes or so by walking thru the video there at the bottom.

Mom and I both said a prayer for you and then you prayed and asked Jesus into your heart!

My girl.

You cried happy tears and then we kissed your face while you giggled.

Your heaven birthday:

It’s 29 August 2022.

I am so proud of you.

And honestly, I feel like about 20% of my work here on this earth is done.

See, your sphere of influence on this earth is only so big. And most of it is superficial and shallow (coworkers and aqaintences and strangers).

But there is a chance to go deep in community and friendship with a handful of people.

Nowhere is this easier than your immediate family. There are only a few of us, but the relationships can be deep and profound and beautiful.

If someone you know and love has not accepted Christ yet, simply pray for them and pour into them as you are able.

I’ve been praying for you since you were the littlest of doosies.

I love you.

I love you forever.

I can’t wait to spend forever with you.
