Who Taught You To Haka? Dad Did.

Who Taught You To Haka Dance? Dad Did.

K, I taught you to Haka dance.

I mean, I don’t know – let’s not make a big deal about it.

Mostly because mom thinks we are ridiculous.

But when H went to dance class last Monday and I stayed home with you to feed you dinner and get you ready for bed – you learned to Haka dance.

You smile when I hit my chest with my hands and then you do it back, grunting with me.

Just please don’t ask me to do it at a wedding.

Admittedly, we don’t do the tongue part of it though.

It seems unnecessary for some reason, but what do I know.

Your walk is still slightly unsteady, but you know how to Haka.

You are marvelous.

I love you.
