Hand Raising

Hand Raising

H, you got to hand raising in church for the first time this last week.

Before the sermon, everyone stood to sing a few songs.

When we did, you asked that mom hold you in her arms.

She did but as we sang you began to look around the room.

After a chorus of people watching, you silently raised your right-hand straight up into the air.

You held it there and soon our eyes met.

You smiled so big when they did.

You said:

“I’m raising my hand like everyone else.”

I pointed out that some people were raising their hands, but that most people weren’t.

You asked me why people hold their hands up in church and I explained that some people like worshiping God with their voices. And some people want to use both their voices and their arms.

Smiling you responded:

“I want to do both.”

Until the song ended and we sat down, you kept your hand straight up in the air.

My goose.

I love you.
