Hayashi Date

Hayashi Date


Today you and I went on a Saturday lunch date.

Mom was out of town Thursday and Friday and got a stomach bug while she was gone.

Since she got sick, she came home early but is still very queasy.

Anyway, you insisted on going to Hayashi for lunch.

Truth be told, I am not even sure you like the food there that much – I think you just like watching them cook.

Since we ate at the grill, there were five others sitting around the table with us.

It took them forever to send out the cook, but early in the meal, someone asked if you were eating lunch with your dad.

You announced to the table:

“Yeah. My Dad takes care of me.”

Everyone nodded and smiled at you, but before they stopped you followed it up with:

“My Mom takes care of me too, but she was sick in the hotel throwing up all night.”

I quickly told you in front of everyone that: (A) she was last sick over 24 hours ago, (B) that we were both feeling just fine, and that, (C) we didn’t have to tell everything to people we were eating with.

The entire table was in stitches.

10 minutes later, in the way that you do, you leaned over to a young girl sitting beside us (she might have been in college) and said:

“I just love your shoes.”

She was taken back and smiled so big at you.

She responded:

“Oh thank you. I love your hair bow.”

I loved getting to spend time with you one on one today.

And I love that you are still mesmerized by the goldfish and the turtles in the little fish pond they have.

My girl.

I love you.
