Help Us Pass The Test, Sermon Notes

Title: Help Us Pass The Test
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 3 November 2019
Verse: Matthew 6:13, James 1:2-3; 12-16

I. The paradox in the prayer
II. The perception of “Peirasmos” (Trial and Temptation)
A. Trial = test your faith; Temptation = test your obedience
B. Trial = difficult to do; Temptation = easy to do
C. Trial brings dependence on God; Temptation focuses on self without reference to God
D. Trial exposes a weakness; temptation exploits a weakness
E. Trial leads to maturity and fellowship; Temptation leads to guilt and broken fellowship
III. The plea in the petition

More: Isaiah 43:2, I Corinthians 10:13, 2 Peter 2:9