Here With You

Today was a good day.

I went into work late, and H, you came with me.

I knew it would be a quiet day at the office, and I knew you needed an excuse to get out of the house as much as I did.

So when I invited you, you jumped at the chance.

We took your earphones and Kindle for entertainment – only to find out your Kindle’s battery was dead as soon as we got there… Thankfully, it was a non-issue.

While I worked, you happily drew pictures using my jar of pens and copy paper.

You were delighted when we got a fountain Coke from the downstairs break-room.

Later you watched a movie on my phone.

As I worked on my computer, you glanced up once with a dull look on your face, to which I asked: “It’s kinda boring, huh?”

You smiled at me and said: “It’s not boring being here with you.”

My goose. You have such a sweet heart.

After lunch, K, I took you to Dr. Paulger’s for a checkup. All this coronavirus mess, they even made us wear facemasks in the office.

In fact, when we got there we tried to walk in the door like normal and it was locked.

We had to call to tell them we were there, get called back when the doctor was ready, and then we were escorted straight into the building, past an empty waiting room, and directly into an exam room.

K, you were adorable.

You had the best little messy-bun going, you refused to wear your face mask, you said hello and smiled at every single person we passed, you asked the nurse for a toy from the toybox a dozen times, and you insisted on giving Dr. Paulger a hug at the end of the appointment.

I took a video of me spinning you on the doctor’s stool.

I love you.
