Hit Our Driveway

I forgot to say two things about our trip to Midland last weekend.

First, T, it was your first time at the pool enjoying the water.

We went once before but the water was too cold to put you in for more than a second.

But this time the water was warm. (Of course it was warm. It got to 107 that afternoon.)

You smiled and smiled with mom and Aunt Jenny bouncing you around in the water.

Second, K, you were a hilarious toot.

See, H and T fell asleep on the way home with ease.

But you stayed away the entire way back!

You sang, wanted to play I Spy With My Little Eye, told stories, and asked every question under the sun – for two hours straight.

Mom and I were wanting and expecting a silent ride home, but you had us laughing and enjoying ourselves until we hit our driveway.

I love you.
