I Quit

Like a broken record, my writing here has been so sporadic.

This is nothing but a reflection of work and stress if you want to know the truth of it.

In the last year, the parent company that I work for bought one of or competitors, is making us merge with them, and is rebranding the new organization as a completely different entity.

My boss quit. My boss’s boss quit.

Half of our software developers quit. 50% of my department has quit.

Well…today, I quit.

I’m serious!

Rather, I gave my 2 week notice.


The daily grind the last year has been brutal if I am being open.

And I have wanted a way out for a long time.

The long and short of it is that another job fell into my lap out of the sky in the last 10 days.

I have not even been applying for jobs, but the CEO of another company – a man I had not spoken to in 6 years – called me up last week.

After an hour phone call with him, and another one hour video conference with one of his Vice Presidents, he offered me a job.

I will have to travel a bit the first 6 months for training but I will likely work from home after that.

The coming change is scary. (Change usually is.)

But the uniqueness of the position. and the timing of the offer is just 100% a God thing.

I am excited about the future.

And I’m excited about the possibility of a career, instead of what for so long felt like a job.

OMgoodness, I want to do great at this.

I love you.
