I Want

You know what I want?

  • I want to own a business and work for myself.
  • I want my kids to be the bravest most self-confident kids in the world.
  • I want to get an RV and get lost with my family for a summer.
  • I want to go back to Switzerland.
  • I want to have a family that lives nearby when I’m old.
  • I want a pool in our backyard.
  • I want everyone in my family to accept and follow Christ.
  • I want a successful blog.
  • I want to make $80,000 a year in oil royalties, $80,000 a year from other family investments, and own a business that nets another $150,000 a year.
  • And I want to spend more time at home with my children.

But the past few months I have been drawn over and over to the same prayer.

It’s not all the time.

But when I am alone late at night and tired, with my head on my pillow, I feel my heart sometimes yearning.

When I do, I reflect on the list above and then ask for what I really want.

God give me a heart like yours. Guide me to care about the things you care about.

I want everyone in my family to feel that same pull.

I love you.
