Is This A Forest?

Is This A Forest?

H, I thought of a funny story from our recent Disney trip that I forgot to jot down.

When we landed in Orlando, we got off the airplane and made our way through the terminal to the Disney buses.

After a short wait, the bus we were on finally left to take us to our resort.

As we headed down the highway, not 5 minutes for the airport, more of Florida began to show itself.

You sat on your knees beside mom looking at the window.

As you did, you slowly turned around and asked:

Uh, dad. Is this the forest?”

I nearly laughed and answered:

Well, yes. There are a lot of trees down here, huh?”

You nodded back and kept looking out the window in bewilderment.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but you had never seen that many trees at once.

My West Texas girl.

Let’s travel more.

I love you.
