Is Your Life Panicked Or Peaceful?, Sermon Notes

Title: Is Your Life Panicked Or Peaceful
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 10 September 2023
Verse: Luke 10:38-40

I.  A Panicked Life (Martha)   (40-41)
A.        Her Activities (Much Serving)
B.        Her  Anxiety (Many Things)

LifePoint:  Life Becomes Frenzied and Frustrating When You Don’t Focus on Jesus

II.       A Prioritized Life (Mary)  (39-42) 
A.        Her Awareness by
B.        Her  Acceptance
C.        Her Action

LifePoint:  Life Becomes Focused and Favorable  at the Feet of Jesus

III.     A Peaceful Life (Jesus)
A.        Forget our Cares
B.        Feed our Souls
C.        Focus our Priorities
D.       FindOurselves

LifePointLife Becomes Faithful and Firm when you Fellowship with Jesus