Just Worried

K, you said the absolute sweetest thing the other day.

H was headed to Callie’s house to swim before going to Nerf Wars and Hazel’s church.

I knew all that, but when I came to pick you up from school, H was already gone.

I wanted to check and make sure she got where she was supposed to go – but before I could stop you – you ran to the back of the school and started asking all the teachers “Where is my sister?!” 🤣

We talked to Ms. Butler though and she assured us everything was good.

You didn’t say much on the way back to the car.

I asked if you were ok and you said.

Yeah, I was just worried about H. I know we fight a lot and push each other’s buttons. But she is my best friend. I love her so much.

My girl. 🥲

I love you.
