Laidback And Slow

Mom and I both said at different times today that it was a nice day.

It was laidback and slow.

To start, we slept as well as any family does with a three-year-old and six-year-old up at random hours.

Then we milled around the house playing and watching TV until around 10.

I mostly drank coffee.

And then we headed to Seminole for the day.

We were lazy when we got there but mom and I got to visit with Pop and Gammies more than we have in a while.

My favorite part of the day was laying in the floor with you girls and watching TV in front of the fire. We laid on pillows and a bed-sheet Gammies had put down for us. I think we spent most of the afternoon that way.

We all had barbecue for lunch and apple pie in the late afternoon.

Y’all asked to stay, so we left y’all to spend the night around 5:30.

I already can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

I love you.
