Lame Game

Mom and I went to a lame game today.

A lame Texas Tech football game that is, against TCU. (TCU won 33-31.)

See, mom has to go entertain bank customers once a year in the company suite and as a spouse, I get to tag along too.

It sure is nice up there with all the soft seats, free food and drinks, and fantastic view.

But the football team is not that great this year. Honestly, they weren’t very good last year either.

All of this was on display by the low attendance crowd acting as lethargic and lame as usual.

I told mom that sports is a funny thing:

If you want fans to cheer and scream at your game, it’s simple. All you have to do is win.

But consistent winning seasons has been a thing of the past for Tech Football since 2009 when Tech fired Mike Leach for basically not playing the right kind of politics with the Chancellor and board of regents.

I was mad then about it – and it still makes me mad.


I love you.


This is what Tech football looked like when I was in school: