Last Learning

H, bug

Today is your last day at Learning Tree.

Of course, I remember dropping you off for the first time like it was yesterday. You were like a doll, and mom cried afterward in the parking lot. I brought her flowers. But it didn’t help much.

It might be the end of one of the first chapters of your perfect little life.

But I can’t wait to see how you blow us away with the rest of the chapters too.

So often, it is hard to know the “lasts” in our lives. Last diaper change. Last bathtime with your sister. Last time you let me kiss you on the lips.

This last I get to see coming though, and I am thankful for that.

In just under half an hour, I will leave my office and drive east to pick you up from Learning Tree for the last time.

You will smile like always and yell “Daddy!” when you see me.

As you run toward me, I’ll scoop you up and kiss you on the cheek.

Be there in a bit.

I love you.
