The Way The Light Held

We got our pictures taken today.

Santa pictures.

T, it was your first time to see Santa! And you were our only baby that didn’t cry. You were skeptical. But you didn’t cry.

We went because the pictures are adorable but also – because all of COVID blah – there will be very few Christmas activities this year.

It was special to me because you all made the time sweet in a different way.

T, it was your first Santa picture.

K, you came out of your shell big-time this year and asked Santa at least 100 questions.

And H, you let a little bit of my little girl peek through.

It feels like you are seven going on 13 sometimes, but walking back to the car I saw you smile and say to yourself:

That, was the coolest thing ever…

I am so thankful for the moments like these with each of you.

I am glad I was there to see the timid look in your eye, the way you smiled at yourself as you jumped up on a rock and looked back at me, and the way the light held your hair for a moment when we turned to leave.

I love you.
