Little Self

H, tonight you showed me a glimmer of your little self.

I was giving you and K your OIT doses – like I do every night – and y’all were watching the new My Little Pony Movie.

Now you are eight going on 15, and you often give us running tallies of how many more years until you are X years old or until you are in college.

So I have this view that you are so big and so old sometimes. And you are!

But tonight you melted my heart.

When I came in the room, your face was lit up and smiling.

And with the excitement of Christmas morning, looking at the TV and talking to me at the same time you said:

Dad, if I was a unicorn and got all my powers back like she did, do you know how excited I would be?!

My little girl! I just love you forever, doosie.

Of course, I am primed for all of this.

Because, K, you turn five tomorrow!!!

I’m fact, you are laying in my bed now as I type this.

My sweet flower.

Ok, so I’m gonna head to bed and snuggle you now. Ok?

Sweet dreams everyone.

I love you.
