Living Room Floor

Ok, so I forgot to tell the rest of the story after the lame game.

See, Jenny and Dusty were at the game too. Not with us. They were down in the cheap seats dowm below Ha!

This meant that Pop and Gammies were watching all five of you girls back at our house.

We got home and all visited in the late afternoon and then went to an early dinner at Abuelo’s. It happened to also be Gammies’ birthday.

We visited some more that evening and then Jenny and Dusty went to a hotel for the night while Pop and Gammies headed back to Seminole.

You girls all slept together on air mattresses on the living room floor. Everyone fell asleep with little issue. we turned out the lights so late.

Everyone left by lunch the next day and we nearly collapsed from the full weekend when they did.

It was fun. And I loved watching you all play with each other.

I love you.
