Looking For Shade

Last day of school today…

H, you have finished the first grade!

You had a big field-trip to Blazing Bouncers and the park all afternoon.

I did not get to go but mom chaperoned.

Trouble was, you didn’t feel very good today.

You are run down and have a low grade fever.

If I had to guess, I think you have a cold…

You felt so bad, we even let you skip basketball practice this evening.

K, you have finished Pre-K(3)!

Your class had a pizza and swim party.

Your class set up a slip-n-slide, a water slide, and even had a big water balloon fight.

I stayed for the whole thing and only had one complaint.

It was so hot!

I nearly sweated through my work clothes and spent too much time looking for shade.

I am so proud of y’all. You both had fantastic years, although I have a sense that three years went by over the past 12 months.

Anyway. I am super tired. What a big day.

Off for a Kerrville Memorial Day tomorrow.

I love you.
