Mason (That Fart)

Mason (That Fart)

H, the first boy you ever said was your boyfriend was named Mason.

He is a boy we know from church and I even worked with his mom in Wednesday night Awanas.

But he is seven!

A good two years older than you.


Mom and I had Extended Session this last Sunday and his mom dropped him off in the wrong class – thinking Sunday School graduation was this week instead of next.

And you apparently knew him from our church’s monthly Parent’s Night Out program.

You got a starry look in your eye when you saw him and told us he was your boyfriend.

I was taken back, but mom that it was all endearing and cute.

It was a surprise to Mason too.

That night, we were tucking you into bed and you whispered something to mom.

And then you whispered it to me.

You said:

I love Mason.

My jaw dropped I think, and mom even had to tell me it was ok.

I’m not going to lie, but you saying it hurt my feelings a little!

You’re five, I know, I know…

Regardless of any other silly boys that come along.


I loved you first.

I love you.
