Maternity Leave Continues

T, you can’t even believe it.

Today was your first day at Learning Tree!

The day started with a flat tire on mom’s car and of course she cried dropping you off.

(She has cried the first day of school with ALL of you girls.)

Anyway, we decided to let you do a half-day, as to start you off slowly to the routine of it all.

Mom had to work this afternoon so I came and got you at 11.

We ate lunch with mom (of course) and then it was just you and I all afternoon.

We drove around the loop and did a lot of snugging and talking to each other in the recliner.

Pop and Gammies brought H and K back from Seminole at about 4:00.

Right? Right.

Nothing unbelievable is there?

Now look back at my first sentence though…

Here it is:

See, mom got home and 5:00 and told us that the bank is closing down (again) because coronavirus numbers are up (again).

So maternity leave continues!

And mom is working from home – again.

I know you will both enjoy the extra time.

I love you.
