It occurs to me that I forgot to write a post about Halloween this year.
What is wrong with me?
H, you went as a Mermaid.
K, you went as Wonder Woman.
K, mom and I left work early to go to your fall festival.
Mom and you were doing a cake walk when I got there.
We stopped at nearly every stall and played nearly every game before calling it quits.
Your favorite thing was playing on the big playground, mom and I shadowing your every move.
We left with a boatload of candy by 5 and went to get H.
You girls changed into your costumes at home and we left our house for truck-or-treat at church by 5:45.
Most year’s, trunk-or-treat is in the church’s back parking lot and is relatively low key. This year it was in the front lot – just off the loop – and attracted TONS of people. (Not a bad thing.)
H, you ran into a few friends from school and wanted to play in the five or six available bounce houses all night. K, you were honestly too cold to enjoy much, and insisted that I carry you everywhere we went.
Mom and I were scheduled to hand out candy at a truck with our Sunday School class, but there were so many people we ran out of candy 5 minutes into our shift.
We left after that. It became bitterly cold as the sun began to go down.
To top it off though we stopped to trick or treat at half a dozen houses, probably a hundred yards west down our street.
Here’s the pumpkin I carved two days before.
I love you.