We Had A Minnie Mouse, And A Batgirl

We Had A Minnie Mouse, And A Batgirl

For Halloween, this year mom and I had a little independent Minnie Mouse and a tough and brave Batgirl on our hands.

H, you dressed as Batgirl.

Mask and all, you looked ready for a fight all night long.

And K, you dressed as Minnie Mouse.

You had the reddest polka dot dress, complete with Minnie Mouse ears.

Unfortunately, our annual trunk-or-treat festival at church was canceled this year due to the rain and cold.

They turned the whole thing into an elaborate drive-thru to pass out all the accumulated candy – and hotdogs – that I’m sure someone spent all day cooking.

We stopped by your school to show off your costumes – because H insisted – and got to church at 5:45 right when it started.

Four hotdogs. Four chips. And two bags of candy, for two kiddos.

We stopped and ate in the front seat of the car on the back corner of the church parking lot.

Afterward, we drove the 100 yards to Craig’s house to trick-or-treat (he works with mom).

We headed toward home and luckily found a row of eight or nine houses just west down our street that were all handing out candy.

It was cold, but we made it to every house that had a porch light on.

We made a fire when we got home.

Y’all were both so beautiful.

K and I slept in the master bedroom and H and mom slept on an air mattress in front of the fire.

I remember last year’s Halloween so vividly.

Halloween the year before last too.

The years are moving so fast.

I love you.

I love you so much.
