Mom Left Us Today

Mom Left Us Today

Everyone was a little sad when mom left us today.

Not for good.

Heavens no.

She wouldn’t know what to do without us.

That girl would be as lost as a puppy at a cat convention without her little troop.

She had a work trip.

This morning at 7 AM, we wished her off on her drive to Austin for a meeting with Leadership Lubbock.

She is flying back tomorrow night and should be home by 7 PM.

We will all go pick her up at the airport when she gets in, really make an event out of it.

Now then, I just have to keep it all held together for the next 27 hours.

Piece of cake.

Of course, there is a little bit more to do, but I am looking forward to having you girls all to myself tonight – barring any diaper blowouts from K – obviously.

I love you.
