Movies And Salon

Today we went to the movies and salon.

We had Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.

And then, K, you got your first haircut!

We about got into a bind over it, actually. See, K, your hair is (was) a bit too long and mom’s hair dresser (Ms. Katy) is about to go on maternity leave.

So when Ms. Katy texted mom to say she had an opening in her calendar, our choice was:

  • Get it cut now.
  • Or wait 12 more weeks.

K, you watched H get her haircut first, and you were so brave and confident when it was your turn.

It made my heart hurt a little watching you, if I am to be honest.

See, I think there are two big milestones of a baby girl moving from a “baby” to a “child.” The first is their first haircut. And the second in starting kindergarten.

Of course, like we did with H, we kept a few of your beautiful blond baby curls.

Mom got her haircut last, and we went for a short drive while we waited on her to finish.

Afterwards we ran a few errands and went and saw The Call Of The Wild in the theater.

We had a big, full, day by the time we got home.

But it was a good day.

I can’t believe T will be here in 9 days either – for new babies always seems like a dream until you hold them in your arms.

I love you.
