My Sister Needs To Sleep

My Sister Needs To Sleep

H, Sometimes “my sister needs to sleep.”

See, we are having issues getting everyone to take a nap on the weekends.

You simply don’t want to.

And K naps right now at random times.

So in order to get everyone to rest, we usually take a short drive on the weekends

I don’t wanna rest!” is usually the response you give us.

To fix this, we have started blaming it on K.

We just say:

No, H. You don’t have to rest. But K needs to rest. So we are just going to take a short drive.”

You have bought our rationale and have started agreeing with us.

You say:

Yeah, we need to go for a short drive because my sister needs to sleep.”

Ten minutes after we leave, you always fall asleep too.

I still see you as the adorable baby you were a few short years ago.

And sometimes, I see glimmers of you as a 25-year-old.

I love you.
