New Beds Today

H and K, you both got new beds today.

No more sleeping together on Mom’s old double bed for y’all!

Honestly, I’m amazed how much we got done today.

I was hoping to get one bed up.

But we got all your toys out, the brown toy cabinet out, and both beds setup and ready to go.

H, you were a huge help while we worked and pleased to be pitching in (excited to get your own bed, I think). K, you played happily and eagerly watched as we made progress.

(And now we have a million things pulled from your room sitting in the dining room that needs to be gone through. But that’s another story.)

You girls were so wound up after we finished you played cheerfully the rest of the afternoon in your revamped and cleaned out room.

We even ended the night by playing hide-and-seek about a million times before bed.

Your room is still airing out from the new mattress smell – so y’all are spending the weekend on an air mattress in our room.

That’s fine by me.

I’m tired and need an Advil and a shower.

I love you.
