Running Under My Legs

A New Game In The Kitchen

K, tonight you discovered a new game by running under my legs.

It was a delight to watch you.

See, it started in the kitchen.

We were home from work and school around 5:30, and mom and I were in the kitchen talking, thinking about starting on dinner.

We landed on waffles.

But as we were talking, I stepped to miss you walking past me, and you ducked and walked under my legs.

You stopped and giggled, wondering what exactly happened.

Like a flash, you realized that if I stood shoulder width apart, you could walk under my legs without hitting your head.

You tried it one more time and laughed again as you did it.

My beautiful baby.

We all forgot about ourselves for a few minutes and you ran back to front and front to back under me, throwing your head back and laughing with each pass.

I love the sound of your beautiful laugh.

When you get silly, it can quickly catch on in the whole house.

May both of us never forget sweet moments like this.

I love you.
