Ninja Kitty

K, the night before last you played “ninja kitty” with me when you were trying to come to our bedroom.

I was working at mom’s computer and heard a rustle behind me.

I caught a glimpse of your pajamas and the blur of your hair when I turned around. You were rounding the corner into the kitchen running at full-speed.

The house was silent.

A few minutes later your eye peaked around the corner and then shot back.

Silence again.

Your eye came out again a few minutes later, but this time you were between the couch and foyer wall. You disappeared as soon as you saw me.

I could have heard a pin drop.

Finally, you peered at me again from the couch.

Mom was soon out of the shower and you looked over the back of the couch at us one last time as I was explaining to mom your silliness.

Of course, mom let you sleep with us after that.

I love you.
