Not Quitting

I can’t believe how many things are changed, overcome, redeemed, and accomplished by one simple thing.

Do you know what it is?

It’s not quitting.

Persistence, grit, fortitude, long-suffering – whatever you want to call it…

I have written about this topic extensively elsewhere.

The long and short of it is that I have come across person after person who has found success point to this virtue as a major factor in their triumph.

I believe that you can build business, save marriages, enjoy the benefits of compound interest, keep old friends, and maybe even save your soul – just by showing up, and refusing to quit.

This can be so powerful because so few can do it, and because effort to outcome is not linear.

A constant effort can produce an outcome that increases at an increasing rate.

It’s kind of the theme of this website, if you want to know the truth.

I love you.
