Nothing To Say

Nothing To Say

When you make it a daily routine to sit down and write, there are bound to be days here and there when you have little to nothing to say.

Some call it “writer’s block” or whatever else.

But I tend to think, not saying something – when it is you job to say things – is a little undisciplined and unprofessional.

Anyway, today was one of the kind of days that this struggle made sense to me.

You find yourself tired, after a long and ordinary day, and every word you type feels like pushing a boulder up a hill.

All I know is that despite how we felt, we all laughed a lot tonight.

We read for the first time this ridiculous story about a little girl that bought a unicorn, which turned out to be a goat.

In fact, I think I’ll write a post about that tomorrow.

I love you.
