Ode To Baby Chub

Ode To Baby Chub

K, I just need to write a quick post about your baby chub.

Oh man.

It is so beautiful, so wonderful.

It’s intoxicating.

You have delicious rolls up and down both arms and legs.

I even counted it the other day on your arm.

There is a crease of baby chub between your forearm and your wrist, from the bottom half of your forearm to your top half, another roll at your elbow, another crease between your elbow and shoulder, and another at your arm pit.

And that’s just your arm!

As soon as I start kissing one arm, the other reaches to grab my hair.

Your legs too are always kicking and moving.

Your sweet belly.

Your double knees!

And don’t even get me started about your cheeks!

H, you were the exact same way.

I love you both so much.

Don’t get another day older.

I love you.
