OKC Spring Break

So we went to Oklahoma City for spring break this year.

I know, I know – not exactly Fiji or Key West.

Mom was tired of going to the hill country. New Mexico is still half closed down with COVID. Dallas can be boring. And – we didn’t want to have to fly.

Unfortunately, we had a bit of random bad luck.

In short, our hotel was a dump. It was understaffed, dirty, and all-round unpleasant. On top of that, the heater for the indoor pool was broken.

So we witched hotels.

Our next hotel was much cleaner, but one of the elevators was broken. And we ended up on sketch side of town – us not knowing our way around and all.

Their pool heater worked though! But others noticed this too. The least night we were there I swam with you (H and K) while mom tried to put you (T) to sleep. There were 23 other people in the little pool…

Ugh, I hate crowds.

Which reminds me that we also went to the zoo while we were there. We went – along with everyone else in the state of Oklahoma, I think.

I mean, I have never been to a more crowded zoo. The San Diego had fewer people standing in line breathing on each other.

The food in OKC was fantastic though!

Everyone seemed to especially enjoy Hideaway Pizza and Ted’s Mexican food.

We even got to drive through Archer City on the way home and shop at Booked UP (Larry McMurtry’s old bookstore).

I love you.
