One On One Time

T, we bonded a little this afternoon.

H was at Hazel’s house on a play date and mom and K were at the pet store buying Huck a new food bowl.

You were napping and woke up screaming for Mom.

I let you fuss for a few minutes thinking you might go back to sleep. You didn’t. When I finally came to get you, you exploded.

You screamed and cried and yelled at me to go away, insisting that I leave you alone, and asking for mom.

So I left you alone explaining that I was around the corner if you needed me.

The crying only worse, so I scooped you up out of your bed anyway, even as you demanded me to stop.

I took you to the living room to rock and a second later a funny thing happed. You went limp laying on my chest.

We both were silent and still for a long time. When I opened my eyes, I saw one of your eyes was open too. I gasped and closed them again trying to hide a smile. You started to giggle.

The next 30 minutes was wonderful. We laughed and cuddled and tickled each other over and over. We stole each others noses, kissed on each other, and talked more than you would think you can talk to a two-year-old.

We never left the recliner.

You have (so far 😉) always been so partial to Mom, it was a treat to spend the one on one time with you.

More, please.

I love you.
