Band Of Other Children

Long day today. I’m tired now.

Anyway, H and K, you were playing in the front yard as we were getting dinner ready tonight.

As you played, the two girls that live across the street came over.

Y’all rode bikes and scooters up and down the street, drew with chalk on the sidewalk, and somehow got mom to get the bubble machine out.

T, we even turned you loose at one point, running around in our pajamas.

I forget the names of the girls, but they both go to Trinity. One is in second grade and one is in kindergarten.

I think I simply wanted to say that I liked that there were kids on the street y’all could play with.

Running up and down the street with a band of other children is something I remember fondly about living in Florida.

We drank out of garden hoses, had picnics in the shade, and created our own imaginary worlds.

I’m happy you are getting a little bit of the same.

I love you.
