Our Flood Came Like This

Our flood started with the washing machine.

I was at work, mom and T at home.

I’m on a conference call and mom tries to call me twice before texting:


I ran out the door and rushed home – and sure enough.

The utility room, kitchen, and entryway were all under water. And the mess was still spreading.

Long story short: Two hours later the flooring company (Carpet Tech) was tearing the flooring out of large sections of our house.

The water got under our laminate flooring and under the walls into our bedroom carpet.

In fact, rooms with tile flooring, and the smallest back bedroom were the ONLY rooms where our flooring did not get ruined.

A dozen industrial fans and currently drying out our home.

And I am typing this from our room at the Holiday Inn on Justice Avenue.

This is all a major pain at the wrong time of the year. Lots of decisions and work ahead. But we got this.

These are first-world problems.

And first-world problems are boring problems.

I love you.
