We Took Your Pacifier Away

We Took Your Pacifier Away

K, we took your pacifier away from you.

I am so sorry!

I was a few weeks ago.

And, we really didn’t want to do it.

But you will be two years old here in a hot second, and the dentist told us it was time for the sake of your teeth.

The worst part is:  We didn’t actually take it away.

We gathered all your pacifiers up and threw them in a plastic bag in the back of one of the kitchen cabinets – except for one.

You got to keep one pacifier.

But that one – and here is the rub – we cut the tip of it off with a pair of scissors and offered it to you the next time you asked.

We had read about it beforehand and yeah, the parent gets to play stupid about it all and then feel guilty afterward.

“Oh, no! Is it broken?! I’m so sorry.”

You still cry about it, off and on, when you get sad, but the entire process has actually been smoother than I thought it would be.

This feels like I’m typing a confessional right now…

It was all mom’s idea, if you want to know the truth.

Seriously though, it’s not the end of the world.

Because you do still have a pacifier attached to the front of your little stuffed animal “Lamby.”

And you get to sleep with her every single night.

Just don’t tell the dentist!

I love you.
