Dallas Tomorrow

T, Mom is headed to Dallas tomorrow.

It’s for work.

For that lawsuit deposition, actually.

Anyway, this weekend you were with Mom on the couch.

You leaned over, told her you would miss her, and said you felt like you could cry.

And then your bottom lip came out as big tears ran down your face!

Sweet girl.

But I told you that story to tell you this one too…

You and I were eating breakfast this morning.

I forget what we were talking about, but you laughed at something I said.

You cackled loudly.

And then cackled again, sounding forced, and completely out of character.

As your smile turned to a grinning look of pain, you said:

It’s kind of funny mom is going to be gone – right Dad?

Awwwww. 🥲

I mean, my sweet baby, over there just coping with her emotions the best way that she can.

Were gonna make it through this week, ok.

I promise.

I love you.


Three Miles

I have to tell this story.

It was a typical day at a typical 4:00 PM.

I picked up K from school and then went to get H, as always.

Sometimes both of y’all come with me to pick up T.

And sometimes I take you home to get started on homework, give you some downtime, or whatnot – so you aren’t stuck in the car for another 30 minutes.

That day we all went together.

So we picked up T and – like always – fought the Frenship traffic coming out of the high school on our way back.

About halfway back to the house, there is a Toot n’ Tutum convenience store.

As we pass it, K asks the car “How far is it home from here?”

Without hesitating, T replies: “About 3 miles.”

I stopped for a second and tilted my head in thought. I think it is about three miles!

I felt gobsmacked but didn’t know what to do with it.

I laughed it off and forgot about it until a few weeks later when I was driving past that same spot.

I pulled into the gas station and stopped, turned on my phone navigation, and pulled up directions to the house.

2.7 miles, my phone read. 😳

How is that even possible?

Maybe chance? A lucky guess?

Does our four-year-old have an innate understanding of distance?!

T, I still can’t believe you answered it so matter-of-factly.

I love you.


K Show

K, you’re home sick today.

You have been coughing for over a week and woke up this AM with a fever.

The thing is, since I am not working from home four days a week now, I get to stay with you!

But guess what?

Mom took a sick day to stay with you too! 🤣

You and mom just left for the doctor and I am trying to get some writing done.

But it’s basically the K show today.

Let’s be silly if you feel up to it.

I love you.
