To Alabama

I’m embarrassed that I didn’t record anything here about our trip to Alabama.

We went over the summer to see Aunt Lou.

We got to see Dennis and Carolyn, Uncle Al, Aunt Dale, my cousin Angie, Angie’s daughter Bailey, and her son Riley, Uncle Joe, Aunt Debbie, and their kids, Will, Abbey, and Hailey.

But Aunt Lou is 90! And we wanted you girls to meet her before we didn’t have the option to.

Of course, we missed seeing a ton more Aunts, Uncles, and cousins – but I am so glad we didn’t trade good for perfect.

Other than seeing family, I think the trip’s highlight was seeing all the alligators on the swamp tour we did in New Orleans.

But maybe I’ll write more about that later.

I love you.


Going To Sleep

I’m sorry if I was ever the worst version of myself around y’all after not going to sleep the night before.

I mean, what a silly reason for feeling bad and being awful, “Dad’s just tired. Leave him alone.”

This is especially true because I do it to myself, right?

I’m not staying up all hours of the night because of some emergency…

I’m staying up for “downtime.”

So that I can have time “alone” in a silent house after everyone else is asleep.

I think I am learning that this is a mistake.

When you are burnt out, it’s not free time that is needed, it’s rest.

Specifically, sleep.

So I will try 8 hours tonight, 10 PM – 6 AM.

Maybe I’ll keep you posted.

Read: Here’s Your Secret To Success: Go The F*ck To Sleep

The passage that jumped out to me:

It almost doesn’t matter what the problem is, the solution is often a consistent routine. Tell a sleep expert you’re not sleeping well, that’s what they’ll suggest. Tell a psychiatrist you’ve been feeling anxious, that’s what their first question will be. Tell a productivity guru your work output isn’t where you want it, that’s where they’ll start. Tell a dog trainer your dog is acting up, that’s where they’ll start. Tell a strength trainer you want to get stronger, tell an author you want to get better at writing, tell the Stoics you want to round out the day in a calmer, more tranquil state—a consistent routine will be the answer.

I love you.


Sleeping In

T, it took you one day to learn how to sleep in. 🤣

One day!

I mean, what in the world?

One day. 24 hours!

Since we laid you in your crib the first time, you have yelled across the house for us when you wanted to get up.

You hear the house begin to stir. You wake up. And then you yell at us to come and get you.

We have virtually NEVER had to come in and get you up.

But we moved you from your crib to a double bed and in one night you stopped this charade.

If I am being honest, we even had a bit of trouble prying you out of bed in time for school…

It’s like you suddenly realized the bed is warm and comfortable and that you prefer to sleep in – if given the choice.

Honestly, me too.

I love you.
