Pig Face

Pig Face

K, you make the cutest pig face ever.

I am not even sure when we saw you do it for the first time.

But a month or two ago we were going through a list of animals with you.

The list that every parent asks their child:

What does a dog say?
What does a cow say?
What does a duck say?
What does a pig say?

Naturally, you rattled off all the answers like a champ.

But when we got to the pig, you didn’t say a thing.

You smiled broadly and then squinted your eyes tight two or three times in a row in rapid succession.

We were so excited for you.

K! Was that your pig impression?!

It was one of the more adorable things that I have ever seen.

Of course, at this point, we have taken like ten videos of you making the face.

My beautiful girl.

I love you.
